Post Travel Health Services

Many of the diseases acquired overseas (e.g., hepatitis, typhoid fever and dysentery) are unfamiliar to the average Canadian physician.  This can result in unfortunate delays in diagnosis and treatment.  In extreme situations such as severe malaria, there can be permanent damage or death if missed or recognized too late.

The Odyssey physicians are well versed in the approach to illnesses acquired abroad. Common post-travel complaints include fever, diarrhea, and skin conditions. The group includes four physicians with a Diploma of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene, who also have experience working overseas and with the immigrant population here in Calgary. In addition, the clinic is staffed with an infectious diseases specialist who is a recognized expert in tropical diseases.

Does your patient have a fever?

The top three most important causes of fever in returning travellers are malaria, enteric fever (typhoid), and dengue fever. If the patient has been in a malaria zone, direct them immediately to the emergency department. Or, if you can provide follow-up for urgent results, consider the following:

  • Malaria test (complete history form)
  • Blood culture
  • CBC
  • Liver function test
  • Creatinine
  • BUN
  • Glucose
  • Serum serology for dengue / chikungunya

Other urgent questions?

Call us to speak to one of our physicians or nurses. Appointments can be requested to address non-urgent post-travel health concerns with several of our experienced physicians. Submit a request by email at


Refer a patient to our Infectious Disease Specialist

Dr. Susan Kuhn is our tropical medicine consultant who sees patients by referral. She accepts adult patients at our Market Mall Executive Building location on Wednesdays. Submit a referral by fax at 403-210-4775 or call 403-210-4770 to speak to our helpful reception staff.